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Il Prof. Giuseppe Nigri è Professore Associato di Chirurgia (MED/18) presso la Sapienza Università di Roma, Ospedale Sant'Andrea (UOC Chirurgia Generale). I suoi principali interessi sono la Chirurgia Oncologica, la Chirurgia Laparoscopica e Mininvasiva ed in generale la chirurgia addominale. Uno speciale interesse viene anche dedicato alla chirurgia della tiroide ed alla chirurgia della parete addominale. E' abilitato all'attività medica negli Stati Uniti (USMLE/ECFMG). Il training in chirurgia è stato svolto in Italia e negli USA (Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston). E' membro dell'American College of Surgeons (USA) e del Royal College of Surgeons (UK). E' membro di numerose commissioni di società scientifiche statunitensi. E' autore e co-autore di numerose pubblicazioni internazionali e fa parte di numerosi board editoriali internazionali. E’ in possesso dell'Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale a Professore Ordinario.
Professore Associato di Chirurgia generale
Istituzione: Sapienza Università di Roma, AOU Sant’Andrea
Dipartimento: Dipartimento di Scienze Medico-Chirurgiche e Medicina Traslazionale
U.O.: UOC Chirurgia Generale
Città lavoro: Roma
Regione: Lazio
Nazione: Italia
Incarichi di Rilievo
- American College of Surgeons (ACS), Chicago, IL, USA
- 2010. Member of the International Relation Committee
- 2010-2011. Member of International Advisory Subcommittee, Division of Member Services
- 2011. Member IGS Selection Sub-committee
- 2013. Member IGS Education Sub-committee
- 2014. Member of the Executive Committee of the ACS International Relation Committee
- 2014. Chair of the Scholar Selection Sub-committee of the ACS International Relation Committee
- 2015. Member Nominating Subcommittee, of the International Relation Committee
- 2015. Re-nominated Chair of the Scholar Selection Sub-committee of the ACS International Relation Committee
- American College of Surgeons – Italy Chapter
- 2010-2012 Councilor
- 2012 to present Chapter Administrator
- 2012-2019 Secretary and Treasurer
- 2019 to present. Secretary
- 2017-2019. Member of International Committee
- 2017 to present. Membership Committee
- 2017 to present. Member of Education Committee
- 2019. Alternate Governor
- Association of Academic Sugeons (AAS), USA
- 2005 to present. Istitutional Rapresentative
- 2011. Member of Committee on Information and Technology
- 2013. Co-Chair of the AAS Italian Course Task Force.
- 2013. Member of Executive Committee.
- 2013 Member of AAS International Outreach Working Group
- 2015. Member of Global Affair Committee
- American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS), USA
- 2011. Member of Young Surgeons Committee
- 2014-2015 Member of Website Committee,
- 2014. Member of International Committee
- Association for Surgical Education (ASE), USA
- 2008. Member of the Simulation Committee
- 2013. Member of Committee on Citizenship and Social Responsibility
- 2014. Institutional representative
- International Society for Surgery (ISS-SIC)
- National Delegate (Italy)
Member of International Society of Surgery Education Advisory Group (ISS-SIC)
- Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES), USA
- 2013. Member of the Global Committee
- 2017 to present. SAGES Champion: Italy Representative
- 2018. International Ambassador (Italy)
- Society for Surgery of Alimentary Tract (SSAT), USA
- 2011. Program Sub-committee DDW
- 2011. Communications Committee
- 2011. International Relation Committee
- 2014. Member of Communication Committee
- 2015. Member of International Relations Committee
- 2015. Member of Member Services Committee of the Society (2015-2019) as International Region Representative (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa)
- 2018. SSAT Social Media Task Force
- Society for Surgical Oncology (SSO), USA
- 2011. Member of the International Committee
- 2012-2018. Outreach Committee
- 2019 to present. Colorectal Disease Site Work Group
- 2016 to present. Expert of AGENAS (National Agency for Regional Health Services) in the Area 4 (Clinical/Organizational/Epidemiological/Social) and Area 5 (Research and international relations); Area 6 (Transparency and Integrity oh Healthcare) - (iscritto all’Albo degli Esperti AGENAS - Agenzia Nazionale per i Servizi Sanitari Regionali, Area 4: Clinico / Organizzativa / Epidemiologica / Sociale - Area 5: Ricerca e Rapporti internazionali - Area 6: Trasparenza ed integrità dei servizi sanitari)
- 2015-to present Member of REPRISE, group of Scientific Experts of Italian Ministry of University and Research (albo degli esperti scientifici istituito presso il MIUR per le seguenti sezioni: Ricerca di base; Ricerca industriale competitiva e per lo sviluppo sociale; Diffusione della cultura scientifica).
- Società Polispecialistica Italiana dei Giovani Chirurghi (SPIGC)
- 2011-2013. Member of Executive Council (International Relations) of the Italian Society of Young Surgeons, Italy
- Sapienza University of Rome
- 2004. Member of the Board on Teaching and Training Standards
- Società italiana di Chirurgia (Italian Society for Surgery - SIC), Italy
- 2017. Regional representative (Delegato Regionale, Lazio)
- Società Romana di Chirurgia (Society for Surgery of Rome – SRC), Italy
- 2013. Councilor
- 2017. Treasurer